Welcome to ArtFusion:

Unleash Your  Potential! 

Prepare yourself to be introduced to something that is about to revolutionize the online course industry for the better.  

After so many years of spinning my wheels, selling course after course, with complicated launches, challenges, upsells, and group after group, I got really burned out.  

I knew I was really great at helping people learn to create art, discover themselves, and learn to create the business of their dreams.  But how did it all come together?  I was tired of launching, tired of convincing people that my programs would actually create change in their lives, tired of social media, and tired of working all the time.  

I personally know that we all want to live our best lives, and understand why we are keeping ourselves stuck in anxiety, depression, anger, sadness etc, and that all the industry "standards" on how to launch, how to upsell and how to keep creating more and more just have people worn out and confused.  And the fact that you have to keep investing to keep learning more has our pocketbooks worn out as well. 

So- I let myself figure it out. I took a few left turns with a few ideas and programs- but they still were not right.  I needed a way to seamlessly put all of my programs together in one place.  And I've finally figured it out....

One place to get all of my offerings, to be supported in a kind community from a person who actually sees you for who you are, and knows that you are the entire universe and that you can be, do and have anything you want-  at a WILDLY RIDICULOUS PRICE!  

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What is Art Fusion?

Art Fusion is not just another subscription group; it's a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for self-discovery while exploring their creativity.

  1. The Academy is wildly affordable- under $200- not for a month, but for the entire year!  No more maxing our your credit card to keep learning.
  2. You get EVERY SINGLE ONE of my courses, classes and workbooks. Plus- you'll get my year long series of  monthly ArtFusion Law of Attraction live zoom classes so you can keep delving deeper into your subconscious mind to create the lasting change you have been longing for in your life. You'll not only see the lasting changes in yourself, but you'll also have a beautiful, bound personal journal at the end of the year long series.
  3. There is no upsell.  You get every one of my courses, classes and workbooks, plus the community which includes the monthly ArtFusion journaling live transformational journaling zoom calls.
  4. If you have been looking for one place where you can discover your authentic self in your art, and your entire life, be nurtured for your unique perspective, your very own creative soul, and your best, most exhilarating life- you have arrived.  Welcome to ArtFusion. 
Say no more- sign me up!!
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ArtFusion Journaling

Dive into the world of visual storytelling as you deep dive into your subconscious mind- uncovering the things that are keeping you stuck so you can begin living the life of your dreams. You'll bring these discoveries onto your journal pages, with colors, symbols, quotes and images, claiming your new life, and concretizing the visual image of your new self. Learn more about the Law of Attraction and how it relates to you during these powerful, transformative year long live sessions. 

We meet once per month with a new Law of Attraction prompt so you can deep dive into your subconscious to remove the barriers and begin living your best life.  At the end of the year, you'll have a gorgeous bound journal with all of your journaling spreads inside.  You'll have visual representations of your manifestations, and you'll begin to see what's keeping you stuck from living your best life. 



Cultivate a positive and empowering mindset that fuels your creativity. Gain insights, practices, and support to overcome creative blocks, money issues, self-doubt and comparison, self love and imposter syndrome, and start re-claiming your actual power.

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  • **Community**: Connect with fellow creatives who share your passion. Share your work, exchange ideas, and grow together.
  • **Inspiration**: Access a constant stream of inspiration through workshops, tutorials, and guest teachers.
  • **Personal Growth**: Discover the profound impact art can have on your personal  growth. Unleash your creativity and boost your confidence.
  • **Exclusive Content**: Enjoy exclusive content and resources not available elsewhere. Dive deeper into your creative journey with our monthly themes.
  • **Art Journaling with mindset**: Dive deep into your own mindset and uncover the things that are blocking you from creating, and blocking you from living your best life. 

It's EVERYTHING you need and more to start living the most free and expansive life you've always dreamed of.

All at one ridiculously AMAZING price!

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