Discover how to stop overthinking everything so you can create with joy, confidence and ease.
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Life’s too short not to do what you love. Stop hindering your creativity and let go of all of that negative self talk!

With this 5 Day Mini Workshop, you'll learn the resources you need to break free of the shackles we put ourselves in that stop us from creating with pure joy.
LETTING GO 5 Day Art Journaling Challenge
This challenge will give you the tools to create without frustration, and help you destroy repeated, automated, negative self talk.
Sign Up for FREE Now!
There are so many stories that we tell ourselves to keep us from creating:
- I'm not good enough
- Mine will never look like theirs
- I have to do it such and such a way and I'll never be able to do that
After just 5 sessions, you’ll begin to understand the freedom of letting all of these false narratives disappear, and you'll begin to let yourself explore and create at random.
You'll begin to separate beliefs from reality and be able to focus on what is actually true. This will in turn allow you to break away from all of the negativity surrounding you and your ability to create so you can feel the freedom of exploration in your art.
You will have a new lesson each day for 5 days and by the end of the challenge you'll have a completed journal spread, and a whole new perspective on creating. I can't wait to see you there!
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Let's Talk About Beliefs VS Reality
Separating beliefs from reality is key to understanding how to let go. Day 1 will help you explore the things you tell yourself in a new way.

Day 2
Let's Explore This New Reality
Connect with your art in a brand new way, throwing out all of the false beliefs you uncovered in Day 1.
Day 3
Dive deeper into your art journal by letting go of being at the mercy of the result. Once you become aware of the things you are telling yourself, you can dramatically change your results.

Day 4
Break Free
Today, you'll start to feel the freedom of letting yourself create. You'll splash and scribble and add layers with some of your supplies.
Day 5
Today you'll create from a deep inner knowing that you are the creator, and nothing else matters. You'll play with reckless abandon in your journal with your full personal power!
I Want In!!

I've been a mixed media artist for 30 years, and a teacher for 7 years. I love to create from absolutely nothing and I know I can help you do that too.

Everyone has an artist inside. Some of us just need a little more help bringing that inner artist to life. Once you discover that side of yourself, you are free to be unapologetically you.
I believe my teachings will change you personally and with your art.
Whether you’ve never used an art journal before or you have and need help letting go, I look forward to taking this creative journey together.
Sign up for
When you sign up, you'll get a list of suggested supplies, but feel free to use any supplies you already have instead. The goal is to break free from restraints- so don't get stuck on having this supply or that.